UNHCR- Zambia: Refugee Incrimination, Politically Motivated Persecution And Transnational Repression Conspiracy Against a Rwandan Refugee Activist. Part 1

 “…Because your President (Paul Kagame) who claims that peace is back in Rwanda wants all his citizens who have a clean conscience to return and participate in the construction of Rwanda.” Said the former UNHCR Representative in Zambia, Madam Pierrine Aylara on 22 August 2021 when i was requesting some services entitled to any refugee by UNHCR.

 UNHCR is not supposed to be a traumatizing and death-trap institution to already traumatized refugees.UNHCR is not supposed to be a traumatizing and death-trap institution to already traumatized refugees.

The UNHCR-Zambia segregates refugees based on their nationality of origin, and  worse is the moment they learn that you are an activist who fled the Rwandan criminal dictatorship regime  of General Paul Kagame, then  you are denied any UNHCR services from that day. As quoted above, I was denied the services at UNHCR - Zambia, just as per the then UNHCR-Representative because the said president Paul Kagame  wants me back if I am with a clean conscience (not a criminal). As if that wasn’t enough, what followed from that day was harassments, intimidations, kidnapping attempt, assassinations threats, attacks, torments, poisoning and persecution against my life. And the only one crime I have committed is to be a Rwandan refugee activist.

One of the key methods used by the Rwandan criminal dictatorship regime in its transnational oppression against the targeted refugee dissidents is the incrimination(make-guilty the target) and that is what the former UNHCR Representative Pierrine Aylara has been executing against my life as well as of my family, aided by her instigated team members at UNHCR - ZAMBIA. For them, a Rwandan refugee is a criminal, because a Rwandan with a clean conscience cannot be a refugee.

Many people have been hearing the assassinations, kidnappings and disappearance of Rwandan refugee dissidents abroad, to even those who were in the hands of UNHCR protection facilities like in Uganda, but nobody could believe the conspirators could be among UNHCR official, as nobody was brought to book over such disgracefully inhumane acts, as it happened to the Ugandan Inspector General of Police Kale Kayihura who was fired and brought to book for conspiring in the killings and kidnapping of Rwandan refugees.

Hi, my name is Michel Mushimiyimana, a Rwandan refugee and human rights activist residing in Zambia. I welcome you on this write up as I embark on the journey of a long series of publicly exposing the UNHCR - ZAMBIA human rights abuses, transnational oppression conspiracy, harassments, persecution against my life as well as the abuse of the UNHCR values by those who are supposed to uphold them.

We all heard 2018 stories of Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist and dissident who was assassinated by a squad of assassins at Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. After strangulation, his body was dismembered and disposed of. That took place in a foreign land and prior to his assassination nobody could believe Jamal Khashoggi would be murdered in such horrendous way. This inhumane act was condemned worldwide with the utmost vigor it deserves. Oh, that is the true story in the Middle East of Asia, however it touched everyone’s life in the entire world. Let me come to Africa, have you heard the story dubbed Rwanda’s Khashoggi: Who killed the exiled spy chief?

Well, check it here and know one of hundreds of the stories of the Rwandan regime hunting down refugees dissidents abroad. 

Plenty of them indeed, and the most trending among the recent one is the release of the inspirational Hotel Rwanda hero of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, human rights activist and the recipient of the United States Presidential medal of freedom Mr. Paul Rusesabagina, who was kidnapped by the Rwandan regime from USA via Dubai; lured by a Burundian Bishop Niyomwungeri Constantin who was a friend to Rusesabagina and had misleadingly invited him to speak to his church in Burundi.

Unfortunately, little Mr. Paul Rusesabagina knew, is that his so-called bishop friend was the Rwandan spying operative, despite him being a Burundian. The clergymen are the most trusted, right? Yes, but not everyone who is a clergyman must be trusted despite the nobility and the foundation values of the church, because some are the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Paul Rusesabagina, the kidnapping victim of Rwandan regime transnational repression after his pre-trial court session at the Kicukiro Primary court in Kigali, Rwanda, on September 14, 2020. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP) Paul Rusesabagina, the kidnapping victim of the Rwandan regime transnational repression after his pre-trial court session at the Kicukiro Primary court in Kigali, Rwanda, on September 14, 2020. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP)


Zambia is among the most peaceful countries not only in Africa but in the entire world, and its people are friendly and refugees welcoming, and most of the refugees are very grateful to the government of Zambia’s daily efforts to better their lives.  From healthcare, education, to self-reliance, refugees are treated equally without any segregation against their country of origin in the Zambian systems, even when some individuals can compromise, but when one is found wanting, he can face the wrath of Zambian laws without favor.

However, unlike the government of Zambia, the UNHCR – ZAMBIA is infested with the most traumatizing officials who segregates refugees based on their fleeing experience, nationality and status, and once one is discriminated, you are treated like a serial criminal, a mentally deranged people or mad, a lab rat or unwanted beggar without whatsoever international protection rights. Whereas UNHCR is supposed to be a place of relief, counselling and protection to the vulnerable refugees, however the UNHCR - Zambia is mostly run by the most traumatizing, oppressive and death trapping officials, who even mobilize to make sure the victim is coerced to death.

As aforesaid in the above case of Mr. Paul Rusesabagina kidnapping, it is very evident that there is no way the transnational repression of  Rwandan refugees abroad can be scraped without the conspiracy of the foreign agents, infiltration of Rwandan operatives in foreign institutions like UNHCR, governments, and different leaders trapped with conflicts of interests, bribes and corruptions.

The Rwandan regime is notorious in paying a lot of money for corrupting institutions pertaining to the dealing of refugees life, and for fueling the Rwandan regime false propaganda against refugees and sabotage of the unwanted Rwandan refugees, dissidents and human rights activists in order to harm them.   

Similarly, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which is the United Nations (UN) Refugee agency mandated to aid and protect refugees, as well as upholding their human rights, its ZAMBIA REPRESENTATION OFFICE, some of its officials have been trapped at the center of tormenting, incriminating, spying and oppressing the Rwandan refugees in Zambia. The extent at which they persecuted me as the Rwandan refugee activist is very huge for someone to compromise the UNHCR ethics and professionalism for political motivations without being paid for that.


Time for silence has elapsed and the magnitude of oppression has reached its intolerable critical point. Rwandan refugees worldwide are oppressed and many are assassinated or kidnapped, and others have disappeared with the conspiracy of such officials abusing the UN institutions.  Therefore, we can’t keep letting the continuation of such repeating histories as if it is not a big deal to the humanity. What is happening to my family life and I, is the horrible experience one cannot wish to another one. And for sure though this is my story but i know many similar stories of extreme abuses that have happened to some of my fellow Rwandan refugee. But for fear of reprisal by the UNHCR operatives (Rwandan regime partners/agents), they prefer to keep quiet.

Even if the cost can be my life, we cannot let these wicked acts by the  officials abusing the noble UN institution like UNHCR to continue, therefore we call the government of Zambia, the United Nations (UN) and the International community to end this politically motivated oppression at UNHCR - Zambia. I urge my fellow victims to break the silence, as the silence is what gives these wicked UNHCR - Zambia officials to keep oppressing us. 

I believe that if all people with conscience come together, we can save the humanity at stake, and put to an end this impunity. The latter has spilled enough blood, and let us all say that “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH IMPUNITY AT UNHCR - ZAMBIA


Written by:


Refugee, Human Rights Activist & Founder of GLOBAL SOULS NETWORK (GSN).

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