STOP Playing with Refugees Lives - Rwanda's untold story.

Below is a BBC documentary that tells the Rwanda's untold story; the truth about Paul Kagame's RPF war crimes and crimes against humanity. It unveals to the international community how the current Rwandan RPF regime  has waged wars and killed millions of Rwandans and Congolese people both in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and how Paul Kagame enjoys killing his own citizens and hunting down the Rwandan refugees accross the world.

As there is a growing of persecution of the Rwandan refugees accross the world like in SADC and many refugees have been killed, kidnapped and disappeared and some are currently languishing in the detentions like in Zambia where currently a Rwandan refugee called Mr. Appolinaire Nsengiyumva is languishing in Zambia's police detention called IBEX Police Station as he awaits his unknown fate at time,  after a foiled clandestine deportation to Rwanda by the Zambian police  on  this Friday 1st December 2023.

It is not a secret that recently the  Rwandan regime has been boasting about to keep tormenting and hunting down  the Rwandan refugees who fled in SADC by all means, and it is unfortunate that some officials are conspiring in this transnational repression of killing refugees. Already one victim in this incident; the young sister to Mr. Appolinaire Nsengiyumva has been killed by this cowardice act of persecuting refugees.

Haven't been the unprofessionalism and conspiracy act by the Zambian police who took the long time ailing Appolinaire, his younger sister Joyce Mukayiranga couldn't have been died on this day of 3rd December 2023. And no other person to blame other than the Zambian government. 

This young lady is added on the long list of the Rwandan refugees who have been killed recently in Zambia, unfortunately the Zambian government has never arrested any of those culprits, instead it continues in conspiring in persecuting refugees on the demand of the Rwandan regime. 

It is time that refugees break silence to remind the countries of asylum to protect them against the Rwandan regime predators, because it is against the international refugees protection laws to illegally deport refugees and torment them. Enough is enough and if the government of Zambia cannot or has failed to protect the Rwandan refugees, it must engage the United Nations (UN) and other international community stakeholders who respect the international refugees protection laws  so that they can take care of them throught resettlement in other countries where they respect the UN Refugee Convention and other Refugees Protection Protocols. 

We have the right to live and that no body can take it away from us; it is inalianable. Therefore, the Zambian government must stop playing over refugees lives and rights. Enough is enough.

Disclaimer: we share this BBC documentary on our website for the purpose of saving  refugees lives at stake and we hope that some of the well-meaning and refugees-caring officials in Zambia will understand our plea to call for protection of the Rwandan refugees. Conspiring in killing, kidnapping, illegal deportations and incarcerations of refugees is an act of cowardice and inhumanity, and tarnishes the image of a country like Zambia that is known to be sovereign, peaceful and respect the rule of law, as well as the other international refugees protections protocols.

Thank you.

Written by Michel MUSHIMIYIMANA, a Human Rights Activist and a Rwandan Refugee in Zambia.

Rwanda's untold story
