The Zambian government launches the first ever national refugee policy anchored on upholding the human rights respect of refugees.

The date of Friday 19 January 2024, marks a renewed hope to the refugees in Zambia as the government launches the first ever Refugee Policy that strengthens the protection of the welfare of refugees, former refugees and asylum seekers. It seeks enhancement of the access to essential services and livelihood opportunities, durable solutions and inclusion of refugees in development programmes, as well as fostering the harmonious coexistence between refugees and the host communities.

Launch of National Refugee Policy in ZambiaLaunch of National Refugee Policy in Zambia.   

                               From right: Mrs. Preeta Law: UNHCR Representative, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu: Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security(MHAIS), Mr. Dickson Matembo: Permanent Secretary at MHAIS and H.E Ambassador Prosper N'gandu: Commissioner for Refugees.

This refugee policy has been launched by the minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu along with Permanent Secretary Mr. Dickson Matembo and the Commissioner for Refugees H.E Ambassador Prof. Prosper N’gandu. This launch ceremony was also witnessed by the UNHCR Representative in Zambia Mrs. Preeta Law, as well as different stakeholders among them the United Nations agencies, diplomatic missions in Zambia, Civil Society Organizations, private sector and the refugees.

Addressing the audience, Honourable Minister Jack Mwiimbu stressed that: “The country (Zambia) is a Party to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 Convention governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants of 2016 and the Global Compact on Refugees. It is therefore important that the country puts in place a policy framework that actualizes international commitments and best practices to adequately assist refugees while also benefitting hosting communities.”

 Some of the attendees of the national refugee policy launch ceremony.Some of the attendees of the national refugee policy launch ceremony.

In her speech, the UNHCR Representative in Zambia  Mrs. Preeta Law said that the launch of the policy reflect concerted will of government to create an enabling protection environment for them to attain solutions to enable refugees flourish and contribute to Zambian society. She also added that the policy is a clear demonstration of government’s understanding that humanitarian support cannot be a long-term solution to addressing refugee challenges.

Glance on this national refugee policy.

The first glance of the summarized refugee policy booklet shows that the government of Zambia took enough time to understand the status-quo of the problematic of refugees, henceforth ready to tackle it in all its aspects. This gives a hope to the refugees that the government of Zambia through the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees that deals with refugees on daily basis has done a great work to understand refugees’ challenges.

From asylum seekers reception in the country challenges, incoherence and antagonizing laws that impede refugees’ freedoms and self-reliance, development, naturalization of refugees born in Zambia, refugees settlements rehabilitation, local integration of former refugees challenges, to education and health challenges, as well as the protection challenges related to the principle of non- refoulement, etc…

This refugee policy road map will be implemented in 5 years and it is expected to cost approximately K298,544,094 Zambian Kwacha, equivalent to approximately $11,057.188 USD based on the current US dollar and Kwacha rate.

The refugee policy implementation plan give details of activities, measures, indicators, financial resources needed and the responsible institutions to execute them.

This refugee policy implementation will be guided by five principles:

  1. Human Rights.
  2. Inclusiveness.
  3. Non-Refoulement.
  4. Partnership and Collaboration.
  5. Transparency and Accountability.

Local integration of former refugees and its controversial conditions

Though this national refugee policy is based on the uphold of the universal declaration of human rights, the UN Refugee conventions and other refugees protection protocols among them the principle of non-refoulement under the international human rights law, it entails the controversial local integration of former refugees condition to acquire passports from the country of origin in order to get locally integrated.

The latter move has been vehemently resisted by the former refugees, especially the ones that come from Rwanda and kept insisting that they can be integrated without condition of going back to Rwanda or to the Rwandan embassy in Zambia to acquire the Rwandan passports. Contrary to that, they consider it as a forced repatriation because with the Rwandan passports they can be considered as Rwandan investors before getting the residence permits, another condition to get integrated. They say that Rwanda is not safe yet for them to go back and also believe that whoever feels safe can voluntarily return without force.  They say that the Rwandan passport conditional move is against the principle of non-refoulement; one of the 5 implementation guiding principles aforementioned in the policy. 

This national refugee policy comes to strengthen and harmonize the existing country legal framework and measures in order to give refugees a more suitable protection, inclusiveness (comfort) and self-reliance of asylum seekers, refugees and former refugees, while upholding their dignity and respect of their human rights.

This is a policy that needs the support of everyone especially the international donors and other stakeholders as it embraces the lives of refugees in all aspects and it is a renewed hope to every refugee in Zambia. It is also a testament of Zambia’s compassion and humanity in helping and contributing in the alleviation of the distressed refugees around the globe. 

Below is the national refugee policy download link.

Compiled by:

Michel MUSHIMIYIMANA, a Rwandan refugee in Zambia and a human rights activist.
